Client Event Feedback Form | Banquet Centre


Thank you again for choosing The Banquet & Conference Centre at Fiesta Plaza, MovieTowne. Your opinion and patronage is very important to us, thus we strive to constantly improve the level of service and product quality offered. Therefore in an effort to continue to serve you better, we kindly ask that you complete this feedback form to assist us with our future service offering. You can complete online or print a pdf version and drop in or fax to us at (868) 625-9552.


Please describe your level of satisfaction in the following categories where applicable:

Inquiry & Booking Process:

1. How did you first come to know about The Banquet & Conference Centre?

2. How would you rate your initial contact with the venue, by either telephone, email or site visit?

(a) Telephone

(b) Email

(c) Site Visit

3. Was your request for information and/or quotation(s) responded to in a timely manner and to your specifications?

4. How would you rate the venue's planning and follow-up and service leading to your event?

Please give a reason for your response (Please type response in the space below):

Customer/Client Service Quality:

5. On the day of your event, how would you rate the level of service and cooperation received from The Banquet & Conference Centre personnel?

Please give a reason for your response (Please type response in the space below):


6. Overall, how would you rate our facilities and room layout for your event?

7. How would you rate our audio visual technology provided for your event? (if applicable)

8. How do you rate the ambience, lightning, temperature etc. of the conference room, during your event?

9. How would you rate our restroom facilities and service during your event?

10. How would you rate our parking facilities?

Food & Beverage - In-house Catering Service (if applicable)

11. How would you rate the quality of service you received from our Food Service Provider?

12. How would you rate the quality of service you received from our Beverage Service Provider?

13. How would you rate the overall taste, presentation and quality of food served at your event?

Please give a reason for your response (Please type response in the space below):

General Information

14. What problems, if any, did you experience with our facilities or Audio Visual Service during your session? Please type response in the space below:

15. Do you have any general concerns and/or suggestions to aid us in improving our services and product to you for your next event? Please type response in the space below:

16. Would you consider having more events at The Banquet & Conference Centre in the future?

Please type response in the space below:

17. Would you recommend this venue to other people/Companies?

Please type response in the space below:

18. How would you rate the level of Service, Efficiency, Professionalism and Conduct of our Banquet & Conference Centre Manager?

Please type response in the space below:

19. How would you rate The Banquet & Conference Centre rates in relation to value of product and quality of service for your event?

Please type response in the space below:

20. On a Scale of 1-10, with 1 = Poor and 10 = Excellent; How would you rate your overall experience at The Banquet & Conference Centre?